Score: 3 / 3
April: Heyyy!
Leslie: Heyyy…!
April: So I was just at the Grind and I thought you might want an iced mocha with extra extra whipped cream.
Leslie: Oh my, thank you so much, April, wow…!
April: Oh, by the way, completely unrelated, I just signed up for the Miss Pawnee Beauty Pageant.
Leslie: That’s wonderful! You know that is why I decided to become a judge, so that awesome girls like you who are not, you know, classically hot, can be rewarded for their intelligence and savvy.
[the conversation continues after April debriefs with the unseen documentarian]
Leslie asks Trish (one of the pageant contestants) about “the great experiment”
Leslie and Jessica (one of the pageant judges) discuss what factors should determine the winner of the pageant